monthly guides

Stuff for gardeners to do in winter.

Stuff for gardeners to do in winter.


Firstly, my apologies for my absence over the last couple of weeks. We have been trying to get our new website finished and it is taking forever. I am confident … Read more

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The Vegetable Garden in October

The Vegetable Garden in October


Preparing the garden for winter I know I mentioned feeding your soil in some detail at the end of August but it really is the best thing you can do for your gar … Read more

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September in the Quickcrop Garden

September in the Quickcrop Garden


As you know, September is about the final act in the vegetable garden when we harvest many of our crops and prepare the soil for winter. This week I have had a q … Read more

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September Seeds & Super Soil

September Seeds & Super Soil


September in the Vegetable Garden Following our article on Autumn sowing for the polytunnel (17th August), we have had a number of requests for information on o … Read more

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What to Grow in the Polytunnel in Winter

What to Grow in the Polytunnel in Winter


We had a number of questions recently on polytunnel growing: particularly whether polytunnels are worth the investment and whether it is true that they ena … Read more

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August in the Quickcrop Vegetable Garden

August in the Quickcrop Vegetable Garden


I can't believe I am already writing about the vegetable garden in August, where has all that time gone? I don't know what the weather is like where you are but … Read more

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Mid July Vegetable Garden Update

Mid July Vegetable Garden Update


Pollinating Sweetcorn As you may know from previous mails I am growing sweetcorn in the polytunnel this year as part of our video project. I thought you might l … Read more

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What to sow and grow in July

What to sow and grow in July


Some very welcome rain The vegetable garden was beginning to get very dry over the last few weeks, so much so that I found myself out with the hose watering cro … Read more

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The Quickcrop Garden in Mid June

The Quickcrop Garden in Mid June


Well folks, I am back from my week's holidays loafing around with the day to myself. If anyone is interested, I was in Oysterhaven, a pretty spot on the sea in c … Read more

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The Quickcrop Garden in Early June

The Quickcrop Garden in Early June


Firstly, thank you to anyone who mailed me last week to let me know you found our most recent article on plant feed for container growing useful. It is always gr … Read more

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