soil and compost

The Incredible Hungry Bin Worm Composter

The Incredible Hungry Bin Worm Composter


One of the best (and the most fun) ways to make compost is back! Innovators that we are, we had taken in a small stock of these sturdy compost bins last year but … Read more

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An October Weekend in the Quickcrop Garden

An October Weekend in the Quickcrop Garden


After a wet week last week, the weekend looked promising (well, Sunday at least) to get some work done in the garden and start preparing it for the Winter. As yo … Read more

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Planting Potatoes in March

Planting Potatoes in March


Depending on your location early potatoes are planted in mid March once the days begin to warm. To be fair, the soil is probably warm enough to plant now in m … Read more

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Mulching is the key to a healthy garden

Mulching is the key to a healthy garden


I have two books which are my vegetable growing bibles. One is Joy Larkcom's 'Grow Your Own Vegetables' and the other is 'Organic Gardening - The Natural No-D … Read more

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July in the Quickcrop garden

July in the Quickcrop garden


July in the garden is a bit of a double edged sword, Mother nature shows her muscles both in the vigourous growth from your vegetable crops but also in the vigou … Read more

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A Guide to Making Homemade Compost

A Guide to Making Homemade Compost


Why Compost in the first place? Composting is the best thing you can do for your vegetable garden. It is the natural process that returns the nutrients … Read more

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Rathdooney Vegetable Garden Blog - Jan 10th

Rathdooney Vegetable Garden Blog - Jan 10th


I am sure you are sick of seeing pictures of my potatoes by now but I ended up digging out another barrow full of them on Sunday while I prepared a bed for Summe … Read more

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