Celeriac 'Monarch'

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  • Prinz is a celeriac variety very similar to Giant Prague.
  • Produces a high yield and has a taste similar to regular celery.
  • Celeriac is also known as knob celery or turnip-rooted celery.
  • Each seed pack contains 25 seeds.
  • 5

    Celeriac Prinz was recommended to me by one of the gardeners in the visitor centre, walled garden , in the Phoenix park Dublin. We have been using it very succefully since. We have tried two other varieties of celeriac, but not successfully. I plant the seeds in March or early April, then move on into individual pots. Plant out when soil has warmed and weather is settled into good soil, watch the spacing if you want good size. Keep well fed, watered and free of weeds and you should be rewarded with good sized celeriac during autumn and winter. Dig as required during winter. Welk worth the effort.


  • 5
    Easy to Grow

    Thought about growing Celeriac for a long time and now sorry i didn't. Easy to grow. Tastes fantastic and a great cropper

    Charlotte Boville

  • 4
    Celeriac 'Prinz'

    Never heard of that before... In spite of it looking like something you'd find on mars it does taste exactly like celery however its certainly chunkier and goes great in soup. Surprised at how may grew from one pack of seeds

    D O Rourke

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