Our rainbow chard pack includes seeds from 4 different varieties bred for their vigour, clarity of colour and superior flavour. Young leaves add sparkle to baby leaf mixes or, allow them to grow on for succulent and juicy stems.
The stunning mix of colours include candy yellow, red, orange and magenta colours, it looks absolutely stunning. This selection comes to us from Bingenheimer in Germany who's chard varieties are the best we have grown.
Seeds Per Pack - 50
Sow from April until July in 3cm cell modular trays for planting out 3-4 weeks later. Be aware that chard wants to flower in late spring so a proportion of early sowings may bolt. This is why an April sowing is more reliable than the March first sowing indicated on many seed packs.
Although chard seeds are clusters of 3-4 seeds, not all will germinate so sow 1 seed cluster for every seedling required. For baby leaf production sow 4 seeds per cell. For medium sized leaves for cooking, sow 2 seeds per cell. Surplus seedlings can be thinned out to leave the stem colours you like best.
Note: Chard is the ultimate 'cut and come again' crop and will produce many harvests from a single plant over a very long period (up to 10 months). 4-6 plants will be more than sufficient for most households.
Space multisown modules for baby leaf production 20cm all round, for double sown plants for cooking leave 35cm all round.
For more check out our "How to grow Chard" post here.