Companion plant - Climbing nasturtium

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Nasturtiums can be used as a trap crop for aphids and are excellent companions for broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, kale, pumpkins, radish, squash, tomato and potato. Flowers are also edible and make a pretty addition to your salads.

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    Always a good service from Quickcrop!


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    Companion plant - Climbing nasturtium

    We just planted these a few days ago and all the seeds are coming on strong.


  • 5
    Companion plant - Climbing nasturtium

    We absolutely LOVE nasturtiums, we have planted them in various parts of the garden, to provide shade and some shelter, strong climbers they will cover an entire wall in beautiful yellow, red and orange flowers, which are great for biodiversity, attracting the bees and also providing deliciously peppery leaves for salads and beautiful edible flowers which also look spectacular in salads. At the end of season, we collect the seed pods and pickle them in brine as capers . . . these make the BEST tartar sauce I've ever tasted. Nasturtiums are a staple in our garden.


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