Königin Charlotte is a beautiful pink Japanese anemone which brings colour to the late Summer and Autumn garden with it’s masses of pink, cup shaped flowers. The unopened flowers also make very attractive little pom pom shapes that give extra interest and vigour to the display making it one of our favourite plants.
This award winning anemone is well suited to shaded areas towards the back of a mixed border, if left with room to expand they will spread into large clumps of Autumn joy.
Goes well with:
Flowers - Actaea simplex ‘James Compton’ (bugbane), Foeniculum vulgate ‘Purpureum’ (bronze fennel)
Grasses - Deschampsia cespitosa ‘Goldtau’ (tufted hair grass)
Care of Anemone hyb. Königin Charlotte:
Cut back dead stalks and leaves in March before growth resumes. A generous mulch of well rotted manure added around the base of the plants in Spring will ensure strong growth and spread. Large clumps can be divided and moved in early Spring but avoid moving single plants as they do not like root disturbance.
Wildlife Benefits
Pollen and nectar source for bees and hoverflies, nectar source for butterflies.