A compact and very attractive succulent with tight, grey/green rosettes complemented with deep red/purple colouring on their undersides and edges.
Echeveria purpusorum produces usually solitary rosettes that occasionally produce offsets. The rosettes reach approx 8cm tall and 8cm in diameter making this variety ideal for more compact indoor displays. The thick grey/green leaves are beautifully variegated with shades of olive and dark green on their topsides and a mixture of burgundy, purple and green on their undersides and edges. Flowers, when they appear are scarlet red with yellow tips and are held above the rosettes on 30cm tall slender stems.
Echeveria need a free draining soil mix. Plants don’t like being too wet so keep on the dry side, the best method is to soak periodically letting the mix dry completely between waterings. They will be happiest in full sun to partial shade but avoid drastic changes e.g. in a south facing window in summer. In winter put them in the brightest window in your home. Remove any dead leaves from the base of the plant as they can be a haven for pests or fungal disease which may kill the plant.
Echeveria are easily propagated from leaves or stem cuttings.