How to build a pond
OK, so while we are going to show you how to build a pond it might not be something quite as elaborate as the one above. Our expertise is providing manageable pond sizes which can be put together quickly and are easy to maintain. We specialise in timber raised ponds made using very strong interlocking timber boards; our wooden ponds are easy to build without using fixings making a finished pond an afternoon project from start to finish. We supply pond liners and pond pumps as well as water features and garden design ideas to help you build a beautiful and practical addition to your garden.
I will go through the process of how to put one of our pond kits together in written form but we have also made a video (which features yours truly) to show the process in glorious technicolour. To watch the construction of this pond please click on the play button in left corner.
Building a Raised Pond
As I have explained, and as you can see in the video, building our wooden ponds is very simple. The machined pieces of pressure treated timber simply slot together with the tongue part fitting neatly into the groove. I would stress that the parts are such a tight fit that it is very difficult to take it apart again without damaging the timber; it is important to ensure your boards are in the correct order before assembling your pond.
Regardless of the size of bed you are constructing the profiles of the boards will be the same, only the length will vary. There are four types of board as follows:
Half board with tongue. Half board with groove. Full board with tongue and groove. Full board with groove and flat edge.
To begin construction lay a half board with the tongue facing upward as shown in the opposite photo, this will form one of the gable ends of the pond.
Next fit the side pieces (using the full boards with tongue and groove) on to the ends by hammering them home with a mallet, again ensure the tongue part faces upwards. I like to use a piece of scrap timber placed on the top the board so I am not hammering it directly and damaging the tongue profile. If you are building on gravel or other uneven surface you may find it handy to place on of the side boards on under the board you are hammering as a temporary base.
Add the opposite gable end and then work your way around the bed adding boards by fitting the tongue inside the groove until you have reached the desired height. Keep any timbers with a smooth edge (no tongue) until the end (you will have four per bed) as these make up the final tier and leave the top flush. The process is simple, quick and easy but will take a bit of hammering to slot the timbers properly home. You will notice that the precision manufacturing process works to very tight tolerances so the finished bed is rigid and incredibly strong.
To finish the garden pond construction add the four boards with the smooth edge (no tongue) and hammer down well.
The pond liner material is added next and simply laid inside the timber structure. It is a good idea to add a layer of sand to the base of the raised pond at this stage to avoid any damage to the pond liner.
Try to achieve a neat fit with the liner by folding it neatly into the corners. For large ponds it is a good idea to half fill the pond at this stage to allow the weight of water to seat the liner properly before fixing around the top. Once you are happy with the fit and the corner folds you can fix the liner around the top of the pond using a staple gun or slate nails. The top of the liner will be concealed by the finishing seat frame so a perfect job is not essential but try to avoid thick folds of fabric as they will get in the way when fitting the frame.
Place the frame on the pond to test fit and make sure the corners are neatly lined up. If you are installing an electric pond pump the power cable can be fixed under the frame by cutting a small groove in the top board.
The frame is attached to the raised pond structure by screwing through the frame into the timber below. It will help to draw a line in pencil on the corners at the mid point of the boards underneath, this ensures your screw fixes accurately through the center of the boards.
Once your pond is finished it can be completely filled with water and is ready to use. A water feature is a great addition to your garden as it attracts beneficial wildlife which help control garden pests. Our ponds are also large enough to stock with fish like koi or goldfish but be aware you will always need a pumped waterfall or fountain to aerate the water.
Pumps and filters will vary depending on the contents of your pond. There are 2 main types of filter, a biological and a mechanical version with most modern filters being a 2 in 1 design. A mechanical filter cleans debris and algae from your pond while a biological unit helps break down pollutants like ammonia and fish waste. To have a pond with clear water you need a mechanical filter as a minimum requirement and if you have fish or frogs you will need a biological filter to keep the water safe.
We currently supply a basic pump and liner system but will be adding many more pond products to our range in the coming weeks. If there is something specific you require that you don't see on our website please let us know and we will endeavour to get it for you. You can see our range of garden ponds and pond accessories by clicking the link below.