
Can I Re-Use Potting Compost?

Can I Re-Use Potting Compost?


It is conventional wisdom that you should discard used potting compost but, given that we are all trying to be more sustainable, I think we should review t … Read more


When to Feed Tomato Plants

When to Feed Tomato Plants


Q - My tomato leaves are yellowing but they seem to be producing good fruit, do I need to feed them? This question we received from a reader is a very go … Read more


Cut Flower Seedlings

Cut Flower Seedlings


I am not going to pretend that I know much about cut flowers, but what I will say is that I have a growing (excuse the pun) interest. As you may know, we a … Read more


How To Make a Wildlife Pond

How To Make a Wildlife Pond


Honestly, do you ever think about how weird it is that ‘pond life’ has become a derogatory phrase and insult, when actual pond life contains some of the mo … Read more


A Guide to Perennial Flowers

A Guide to Perennial Flowers


I have been spending more time in the Quickcrop nursery recently, as myself and Mags have been stock taking and working on some new cut flower seedling tra … Read more


How to Tackle Garden Slugs

How to Tackle Garden Slugs


Slugs have always been a challenge for anyone trying to grow their own vegetable crops, but 2023 seemed to see higher numbers than ever in gardens across t … Read more


A Beginner's Guide to Keeping Chickens

A Beginner's Guide to Keeping Chickens


In recent years more and more households - both rural and urban - have decided to keep backyard chickens or poultry. As well as being a source of ‘homema … Read more


Vintage Garden Tools

Vintage Garden Tools


We all know that gardening can sometimes be an expensive hobby, and when it comes to garden tools it can be tempting to go for the cheaper option where one … Read more


April Vegetable Seedling Care Guide

April Vegetable Seedling Care Guide


The end of March and early April is approaching prime seed sowing time if we are starting indoors in seed trays or pots (for planting outside in May). I … Read more

By Andrew

How to Grow Beetroot

How to Grow Beetroot


Beetroot is one of my best friends in the garden as we get so much out of it: using it for juicing, grating it for salads, roasting, baking and - my favour … Read more
