How To Grow Oregano

How To Grow Oregano

Growing Oregano in the herb garden. The three varieties normally grown are 'wild marjoram' (common oregano), pot marjoram and sweet or knotted marjoram. They are all easy to grow, well-suited to container growing and very useful in the kitchen. Because their leaves are very flavourful, a few leaves go a long way. The leaves of a one year old plant can be harvested from June to November when grown in the open, and all year round if some form of protection is available. They do very well as indoor pot plants.

Site and Soil
Full sun, light well-drained soil
Plant to Harvest Time
June to November outside, all year with protection.

Wild marjoram is best used as a dried herb - pick the leaves on a dry day and place them in a dark, dry and moderately warm place until they have thoroughly dried. They can then be stored in an airtight container as whole or crumbled leaves - they will retain their flavour for three months or more.
Sweet or knotted marjoram is best used as a fresh herb, and the leaves should be harvested whenever required.