Painted lady is most attractive with its characteristic sweeping leaf shape with a frosted blue/green colour and pink edges. Plants grow to 10cm tall as full size specimens but look particularly good as miniatures where their shape and colour make them the classic succulent. Painted lady will flower in Summer in suitable conditions and produce cup shaped yellow flowers with ‘painted’ red lips on pretty, narrow stems.
Echeveria need a free draining soil mix. Plants don’t like being too wet so keep on the dry side, the best method is to soak periodically letting the mix dry completely between waterings. They will be happiest in full sun to partial shade but avoid drastic changes e.g. in a south facing window in summer. In winter put them in the brightest window in your home. Remove any dead leaves from the base of the plant as they can be a haven for pests or fungal disease which may kill the plant.
Echeveria are easily propagated from leaves or stem cuttings.
Plants supplied in 9cm pots