Lilium (Lily) 'Pink Perfection' is a gorgeous large trumpet lily with purple/pink accented petals marked with a deep carmine with white accents on the back. The rich magenta also contrasts particularly well with the powdery bright orange pollen displayed on the stamens in the center of the flower.
Another recipient of the RHS Award of Garden Merit, 'Pink Perfection' is another 'must have' for borders or pots where it's striking looks and full fragrance make it hard to beat. Like all large lillies it is also perfect for cut flowers and will produce up to 20 blossoms per stem when grown in ideal conditions.
Height 120-180cm. Flowering mid to late Summer.
When planting, each bulb should surrounded with a little sharp sand both under and above the bulb to keep slugs away and to ward off excessive wetness. As most liliums are stem rooting we strongly recommend you plant at 15cm deep. They give a much better display when planted in clumps of3,6 or 12 bulbs, 45cm apart.
Planting time is December to April. Lilium bulbs will greatly appreciate the shelter of low growing shrubs or other plants near their roots. In active growth, apply water freely and it is advised that every two weeks you apply a high potash liquid fertilizer.