'Sarpo Mira' Late Maincrop Seed Potatoes
Sarpo Mira is a potato with very strong blight and slug resistance, dense weed suppressing foliage and grows successfully in a wide variety of soils. Massive yields of tasty, floury tubers which store exceptionally well.
Cutting off the haulms (above ground leaves and stalks) while still green in early September and allowing the tubers to fully ‘set skin’ for at least three weeks before lifting, gives tasty, quite floury tubers for jackets, roasts and chips. A fantastic all round potato, if it's your first time growing potatoes, grow Sarpo Mira.
- Maturity - Maincrop
- Shape - Oval, long
- Skin – Red, smooth
- Flesh - White
- Texture - Waxy / floury
- Preparation - Jackets, roasting and chips
Pack Sizes
We sell seed potatoes in 2 Pack Sizes, from 2kg tuber packs to 10kg sacks. There are approx. 10-15 tubers per kg.
For more check out our "How to grow Potatoes" post here.