Top 10 Container Garden Vegetables
You don’t need a massive garden to grow delicious vegetables. Many vegetables can be grown in planters, buckets or bags with great results. Here is our top ten list of trouble-free container friendly vegetables.
10 Peas
With a shallow root system garden peas are well suited to planters but they will need a frame or support.
9 Carrots
Choose a deep container or grow a short rooted carrot variety like 'Paris market round' or 'Chantanay red cored'.
8 Courgette
The plant that keeps on giving. Make room for those huge leaves.
7 Kale
Cut and come and again all winter.
6 Chillies
Easily grown in a pot on a sunny window sill, conservatory or greenhouse.
5 Nasturtiums
A colourful flower that spreads and climbs, encourages pollinating insects and can even be eaten in salads.
4 Potatoes
Plant early varieties for a June harvest.
3 Tomatoes
Home grown tomatoes thrive in >planters and taste so much better than shop bought varieties.
2 Salad
These fast growing plants will quickly make room for successive sowings.
1 Strawberries
Every child’s favourite, these delicious fruits are perfectly suited to container gardening and need very little attention apart from a weekly feed.