Grow Your Own Blueberry Bushes
Blue Crop is an excellent variety of blueberry in cooler climates, it produces an early to mid season crop of large berries around mid-July. Blue crop is self pollinating but will produce larger crops if pollinated by another variety (i.e. 'Berkeley') so bushes are best grow in multiples rather than single bushes.
Bushes grow to 5-6' (180cm) tall so a lot larger than most gardeners realise. Like all heathland plants blueberries require an acid or ericaceous soil. If your soil is not acid blueberries are best grown in large pots filled with an ericacous compost. If your garden soil is acidic (rhododendrons and azaleas will naturally grow well) blueberries make an fantastic fruiting hedge with crops of delicious berries and fiery bright red foliage in the Autumn.
Blueberries contain a plant compound called anthocyanin. This gives blueberries both their blue color and many of their health benefits. Blueberries are very high in antioxidants, contain Vitamin C & K, and dietary fibre that increases digestive health and also increase cardiovascular health.
For more check out our "How to grow Blueberry" post here.
Conditions of Sale
Plants leaving our warehouse are believed to be in good condition.
When your delivery arrives please check your goods carefully and contact us with any queries within 3 days. Quickcrop does not guarantee the further growth, flowering or yield of plants once delivered due to the fact that the care and husbandry after delivery is beyond our control. Quickcrop accept no liability for any latent diseases which may be present but not detected at the time of sale.