Seaweed is one of the best gifts you can give your garden as it has long term positive effects on your soil and your plants. Seaweed meal is a ground and concentrated alternative to adding fresh seaweed to your garden, it is dry and easy to handle and store.
Seaweed meal contains:
Alginate gels vastly increase the microbial population in your soil. Soil health and plant growth are directly proportional to the concentration of soil microbes, large microbial populations mean larger, healthier plants. Alginates also absorb large quantities of moisture which increases moisture retaining capacity of your soil. Alginate is present in seaweed meal at levels of between 16 and 26%.
Growth Hormones and Biochemical Compounds
Seaweed meal contains a range of beneficial plant hormones and biochemical compounds. The plant hormone cytokinin promotes plant cell division and growth thereby increasing yield. Cytokinin has also been shown to strengthen plant immune systems making them better able to cope with pests or disease.
Insoluble Carbohydrates
Insoluble carbohydrates in seaweed meal acts as a soil conditioner (improves aeration & soil structure, especially in clay soils).
Seaweed meal:
Increases yield.
Improves germination.
Increases uptake of soil nutrients.
Increases resistance to pests/insects.
Increases resistance to frost.
Is 100% Organic
Application rates:
Vegetables 200g per m².
Potatoes 250g per m².
Lawns 100g per m².
Planting Fruit 250g per plant mixed through soil around planting hole.
Beds and Borders 200g per m² raked into soil in spring and autumn.