Tenax Soil Thermometer

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  • The thermometer will quickly and accurately tell you if the soil is warm enough for sowing.
  • can be used with the same level of accuracy both indoors in a greenhouse or polytunnel, or outdoors in the garden.
  • It can also be used for checking on the compost heap, to see if it is heating up properly.
  • Measurements: 22cm long and 1cm wide
  • 5
    Tenax Soil Thermometer

    I love these, this is my second one, I broke the first but I love watching the temp rise and cant wait to start planting, here in Donegal I like it to be above 7C for at least a week, I also use it in my green house as things don't grow as well when the temp is too high, more watering or shade applied.


  • 4
    Tenax Soil Thermometer

    Fine size thermometer to check the soil temperature in your greenhouse, pollitunnel or in your garden.


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