Container Growing Soil Mix - 750L Bulk Bag

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  • 4kg seaweed & poultry manure manure pellets, 55% peat reduced compost, 15% horticultural sand, 30% Premium Screened Topsoil.
  • Perfect for container gardens.
  • Supplied in bulk 750 litre bags.
  • Delivered direct to your property.
  • Please read Bulk soil delivery details below before ordering
  • 5
    Compost mix

    Ordered compost mix,very pleased with the quality and the delivery was fast. Would recommend ?


  • 5
    Container soil based mix

    East order placed online and arrived at my farm within two working days. Bought it specifically because of the mix formula reminiscent of john innes no. 3. Overall better than many bagged soil based medium. Using it to plant 30 odd heritage apple trees in grow bags until they can be put into permanent ground next year. The texture of well composted material with very fine additions as well as reduced peat and clay loam evident. Seems a bit of a premium product so I am using it with respect. Can't get this special product anywhere else so will be back to get some more later this year.

    Myo Win-Pe

  • 5

    Haven't growin in it yet but looks fab

    Rob Doyle

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