Pacific Purple Asparagus is noted for its sweetness and tenderness, perfect cold in a healthy salad. It has a very low fibre content which means that almost the entire spear is free of the tough fibre normally found on the bottom of many green varieties.
Planting Crowns: Crowns can be planted about 3-4 weeks prior to last average frost date. In a furrow 5-8" deep (shallower for heavy soils), 12" wide, place crowns with buds up and roots spread out, 8-14" apart in row (closer spacing creates more slender spears), 3-6' between rows. Cover crowns with 2-3" of soil at planting. As spears grow, gradually fill in furrow. Use caution when cultivating to avoid damaging crowns. Keep bed free of weeds (straw or leaf mulch works well) and irrigate regularly during establishment. Allow "ferns" to grow – do not cut until they die back in the Autumn. Add compost or aged manure to the beds each Autumn or early Spring.
Harvest: One year and two years after planting, beds can be harvested lightly in spring (7-14 days). A normal harvest of 6 weeks is possible three years after planting. Harvest by bending spears over until they snap, or cut with knife just below soil surface. Store harvested spears upright at 2.2°C and 95-100% relative humidity for up to 2 weeks.