A delicate and wild looking meadow pink with single magenta flowers held above narrow leaves, grassy foliage. Dianthus is semi evergreen and will hold it’s leaves over winter in mild areas before fresh growth appears in spring.
Native to Alpine meadows in central and Southeastern Europe, dianthus carthusianorum thrives in dry sites and alkaline soil. It looks fantastic planted with ornamental grasses to create a cheerful Summer meadow scheme.
Goes well with:
Flowers - Astrantia ‘Large white’ (masterwort), Salvia nemorosa ‘Cardonna’ (meadow sage), Nepeta recemosa ‘Walker’s low’ (catmint).
Grasses - Birza media (lesser quaking grass), Stipa tenuissima (feather grass).
Care of Dianthus carthusianorum
Regular deadheading will prolong flowering from July to September. A well balanced feed applied in Spring will be beneficial as will plenty of well rotted manure incorporated into the soil when planting out.
Wildlife benefits
A good nectar source for butterflies and a pollen and nectar source for butterflies, hoverflies and bees.
Height and spread: 0.4m Height, 0.2m Spread
Common name: carthusian pink
Position in the garden: Full sun
Soil type: Well drained, neutral to alkaline.
Flowering period: July to September
Hardiness: Fully Hardy