Produces whorls of pale yellow flowers at intervals on tall stems from May to September. Spent flowers and stems are particularly good in winter and look great in winter when dusted with frost. Phlomis looks impressive in a mixed border but should be given enough room to make a statement. A robust, architectural plant.
Height and spread: 0.9m Height, 0.75m Spread
Common name: Jerusalem / Turkish sage
Position in the garden: Full sun
Soil type: Any fertile, well drained soil
Flowering period: May to September
Hardiness: Fully hardy.
Goes well with:
Flowers - Knautia macedonica (scabious), Agastache ‘Blackadder’ (giant hyssop).
Grasses - Sesleria autumnalis (autumn moor grass).
Care of Phlomis russeliana
In late spring any frost damaged stems can be shortened to just above a healthy bud. Any weak or diseased shoots should also be removed by cutting right back to the base of the plant.
Wildlife benefits
Pollen and nectar source for bumblebees. Provides an important winter home for hibernating bees, ladybirds, hoverflies and lacewings.