Envirogrind Soil Improving Compost
25 bags per Pallet Delivered
Envirogrind is the best form of compost we have found for the vegetable garden. Unlike other composts it contains a high percentage of composted fish waste (approx 25%), and the rest is well-composted green waste - which by itself is a perfect garden compost. The combination of the two adds a whole host of amino acids, vitamins and macro and micro nutrients to soil that is important for healthy growth.
Envirogrind is also the perfect planter compost for containers, planters, and raised beds. A single bag added to one 6ft x 3ft or 6ft x 4ft raised bed will revitalize your soil and help ensure healthier plants from the start.
Envirogrind is more suitable as a soil improver and should be added to larger, more permanent beds as a mulch in the springtime or a soil improver and nutrient booster when filling the beds for the first time. If you are building a school vegetable garden using your own supply of topsoil, Envirogrind is highly recommended to mix in with the soil to improve soil structure and nutrient levels.
The percentages of composted materials are: Food 40% - Fish 20% - green 40%. It goes through a 14 week process in a closed Vessel composting facility. It naturally reaches a temperature of 70 degrees which kills off pathogens and weed seeds.