Mulberry bushes are trouble free to grow. The flowers are self-fertile and the fruit is very easy to pick, just spread a sheet below the branches when the fruit is ripe and shake the fruit off. The fruit flavour is sharp and fragrant like a very good blackberry. Fruit is delicate so can turn to mush easily, they are great mixed with yoghurt. Mulberries can be used for jam, jellies or wine or can be eaten fresh.
A mulberry tree can grow up to 20ft in height and width so needs a bit of planning. Apart from being good to eat, trees make an architectural feature thanks to their spreading habit and interesting gnarled shape. They are easy to grow and like a rich, well drained soil.
Conditions of Sale
Plants leaving our warehouse are believed to be in good condition.
When your delivery arrives please check your goods carefully and contact us with any queries within 3 days. Quickcrop does not guarantee the further growth, flowering or yield of plants once delivered due to the fact that the care and husbandry after delivery is beyond our control. Quickcrop accept no liability for any latent diseases which may be present but not detected at the time of sale.