Sharpes Express First Early Seed Potatoes
Order early as we always sell out of Sharpes and have not been able to get them for 3 years
Sharpes Express are a heritage potato which became popular in 1901. Long oval shaped tubers with white skins and a pale lemon coloured flesh. Sharpes Express are a high dry matter potato so more suitable for baking, roasting and chips. Steaming is better than boiling as the potato is less likely to break apart. A fine flavour suited to all round kitchen use.
- Maturity - First Early
- Shape - Oval, long
- Skin – Smooth, white
- Flesh – Cream
- Texture – Floury
- Preparation – Baking, chipping and roasting
Sowing: Mid March
Pack Sizes
We sell seed potatoes in 2 Pack Sizes, from 2kg tuber packs to 10kg sacks. There are approx. 10-15 tubers per kg.