About Ridan Composters
Ridan Composters are Eco-friendly, food waste compost bins that require no power to run. These innovative machines are self-sufficient, large scale composting solutions, designed for recycling food waste into a nutrient rich compost. They are ideal for any premises that produces a lot of food or garden waste on a regular basis. Unlike regular compost bins, Radin composters can process both cooked and uncooked food, as well as garden and animal waste. As stated, they require absolutely no power to run, relying on the heat generated by the composting process to speed it along. They also help protect the environment and save on waste management costs, helping businesses reduce their carbon footprint as well as landfill emissions.
Ridan Pro composters work much faster than regular compost bins. When it is regularly fed with food waste and carbon-rich materials, the inner temperature can reach around 60°C, resulting in a composting process that is 32 times faster than traditional 'cold' composting. The exterior of the units have a weatherproof, stainless steel frame with an insulating jacket that helps keep the heat from escaping. The composting process works by turning a handle which is attached to a series of gears or paddles. This aerates the compost mixture and will push broken-down compost through a collection outlet. When you collect compost from the outlet, it will be broken down but not fully matured. The next step is to add it to the Maturation Bin (sold separately). Compost should be left in the maturation bin for 2-3 months before it is ready for use.
The two models we stock are the Ridan Pro 200 and the Ridan Pro 400.
The Ridan 200 will handle 5.5 tonnes of food waste annually, or just over 100kg a week. Ideal for pubs, cafes, canteens, shops, schools and smaller businesses. The Ridan Pro 400 can process up to 10 tonnes of food and garden waste a year, or 200kg a week. This one is a perfect fit for hotels, restaurants, B&Bs, catering services, schools & colleges, large gardens and landscapers, care homes, commercial premises, and larger businesses.
Food waste is a significant environmental problem with over 25% of food produced being dumped each year. Households account for nearly 30% of this, the same as food manufacturing and processing, and the food service industry is 25%, according to the EPA. The recent brown bin rollout aims to lower the environmental cost of this by increasing the composting rate of food waste.
While the government are targeting our excess food waste with various initiatives and programs like their Circular Economy program, there will always be unavoidable food waste that can be composted. Ridan Pro composters effectively bridge the gap between domestic and commercial composting solutions, making sustainable waste management accessible to businesses and restaurants of all sizes. All raw and cooked foods can be composted as long as you cut up the larger chunks, add only smaller bones, and drain off any excess fluids. The enclosed nature of the Ridan compost bin keeps pests and rodents at bay, and any smells emitted are minimal.