Tayberry Bare Root Fruit

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€7.95 - €19.95
  • Tayberries are a cross between a raspberry and a medana blackberry, with a virus-free strain.
  • Produces very good yields with a delicious, sweet loganberry-like taste.
  • Can be eaten fresh or used in pies, preserves, and other culinary creations.
  • Low in calories, high in fibre, and rich in antioxidants.
  • Named after the River Tay in Scotland, with a sweeter and larger berry than Loganberries.
  • 4
    Tayberry Bare Root Fruit

    I didn't know what a tay berry was but I like taybereies now after grown them. Thank you.

    Therese Henry

  • 5
    Tayberry Bare Root Fruit

    Strong plant with strong buds.


  • 5
    Tayberry Bare Root Fruit

    Good plant.


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