Mix of Soil, Compost & Horticultural Sand For The Vegetable Garden
Contents: 750 litres of veg mix or 1 tonne
'Feed your plants and your plants will feed you'. The most important ingredient in your vegetable garden is your soil. This is our peat free mix of screened topsoil, composted green material and horticultural grit. Get yourself off to a head start with the Rolls Royce of soils.
Please note. We do not use any horse manures in our Veg mix to avoid the possibility of aminopyralids getting in to your Veg mix bag. We also screen the soil down to 20mm. This means there will be no large stones in the mix but there will be small gravel and stones which are important to allow for good drainage. Soil screened to below this level leads to poor drainage and compaction.
Our Vegetable soil is mixed by us and used in our raised bed installations. It is a mix of soil, compost and horticultural sand. The mix is the following proportions:
60% Top quality screened topsoil.
30% Peat free compost. This compost is composed of well rotted plant material. It is a nutrient rich sustainable product.
10% Horticultural sand to improve drainage.
Important Safety Information
While every effort is made to remove any foreign bodies from the soil & compost we supply we cannot guarantee it is completely free of small fragments of sharp objects. All our soil and compost must pass thorough a fine screening process down to a 20mm but small unwanted particles can escape this process.
While it is unusual to find small pieces of glass or ceramic with sharp edges this does happen from time to time. We strongly recommend using a good pair of gardening gloves when handling any topsoil or municipal compost and our mix is no exception.
Important delivery information, please read.
Delivery is Kerbside delivery. We don't guarantee the bag can be left within the boundry of your property. If we can't access your driveway the bag will be left at the closest point possible.
The soil is delivered in cubic metre bags placed on a wooden pallet. The soil can only go as close to your site as the hand operated pallet truck allows.The truck is not equipped with a grab so bags cannot be lifted over walls or hedges.
While the delivery driver will do his best to get the bag as close as he can to your property he is unable to move the bag over kerbs, up an incline or on loose gravel surfaces. Remember the bag is a tonne weight and once off the truck is moved by the effort of the driver alone.
If you are unsure about access to your property please call us beforehand to discuss.
IMPORTANT: If you refuse delivery becuase of an access issue to your property which we have not been made aware of beforehand, your order will be refunded less a €55.00 collection charge per bulk bag. Please read the above delivery info carefully to avoid any misunderstanding.
If you have ordered a variety of soil mixes please note that the following letters will denote what is in the Bulk bag:
V – Vegetable soil mix, C – Container mix, M – Mushroom Compost, S – Super soil mix, G – Greenhouse mix, T – Topsoil, L – Lawn mix, B – Border mix, P - Progrow, H - Hedging mix, F - Farmyard Manure/Compost