Very pretty jade green bracts edged with red from April until June, flowers turn to a muted pink in Autumn. Mathiasella adds a soft, natural look to the garden and can work beautifully with more colourful plants where they provide a soothing backdrop, particularly good with Astrantia. Flower heads are prized for flower arrangements and are equally good cut fresh or used as dried flowers.
Height and spread: 1m Height, 0.6m Spread
Common name: Mathiasella
Position in the garden: Full sun to partial shade
Soil type: Fertile but well drained.
Flowering period: April to June
Hardiness: Frost hardy, may need protection over winter
Goes well with:
Flowers - Astrantia major ‘Claret’ (Hattie’s pincushion), Cirsium rivulare ‘Atropurpureum’ (plume thistle).
Grasses - Stipa tenuissima (feather grass), Deschampsia cespitosa ‘Goldtau’ (tufted hair grass).
Care of Mathiasella bupleuroides
Generally sturdy plants but won’t like getting too wet in cold weather. Add a generous layer of mulch around the plants in spring.
Wildlife benefits
Large open flowers that are a valuable pollen and nectar source for bumblebees. Winter homes are also provided for hibernating insects in hollow stems.