Gardening Blog

How Frost Affects Your Plants

How Frost Affects Your Plants


As winter approaches in the second half of the year it's important to consider protecting your plants from cold weather - and the damage that can be caus … Read more


Greenhouse Accessories

Greenhouse Accessories


It's one thing to have your greenhouse all set up, installed and ready to go for the new season. However an empty greenhouse is a bit like an empty hou … Read more


How to Water Your Garden by Hand

How to Water Your Garden by Hand


When it comes to watering the vegetable garden, convenience and automation has a lot going for it, but it’s not the be all and end all. Being a gardening ‘ … Read more


Butterfly Gardening

Butterfly Gardening


Butterflies are one of the most charismatic of all garden visitors, with their vividly coloured wings and elegant flight arcs. Species like Red Admiral, Pe … Read more


The Benefits of Raised Bed Gardening

The Benefits of Raised Bed Gardening


Why should I use a raised bed? I guess the best place to get started is why should I grow in Raised Garden Beds in the first place? For me, growing in ra … Read more

By Andrew

Seeds and Seed Germination

Seeds and Seed Germination


As you will know if you read last week’s mail, we kicked off our winter plant biology series with roots (I was going from the bottom up), but, in ret … Read more

By Andrew

Plant Roots and How They Work

Plant Roots and How They Work


As we slip into the cooler weather of October there is very little we can sow now (apart from some cold tolerant Asian salads) so, as per last week's … Read more


How To Grow Garlic

How To Grow Garlic


Growing garlic is both easy and satisfying: it's well-suited to both the first time gardener and the more experienced. A haul of freshly harvested garl … Read more


Sustainable Gardening

Sustainable Gardening


You’ve probably seen the word 'sustainable' a fair bit, but we wouldn’t blame you if you’re not entirely sure what it means. With the way it’s used, it can … Read more

By Daniel